That’s a Wrap! Co-host, Nicholas Schlegel, Interviewed about his Forthcoming Book on Spanish Horror

Hello Everyone.

[show_avatar email=3 align=left]Nick Schlegel here with a link to a wonderful interview I participated in while I was recently in Manhattan for the Music & The Moving Image Conference  While there, my friends Eddie Samuelson and Eric Cohen of The Cinefiles and This is Infamous provided an evening of fine dining and libation–Brooklyn Roof-Top Style!  The result is the above interview about Spanish Horror Films and the Spanish film industry in general during the late 1960s and 70s when horror production surged tremendously during Spain’s new transition from dictatorship to democracy.  I hope you enjoy it half as much as I had making it.  My book is currently undergoing revisions and should see publication early next year.  🙂**

Written on June 30, 2013